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Space-Astronomy Tip Book
Sugar in space
Recipe for Life
Life from Mars
Under 18 Astrobiology
Astrobiology Academy
Astrobiology minor
Graduate Programs
Astrobiology lives!
Our solar system's first cousin?
Meteorites for Life
The Hubble
Cosmic Ancestry
Encounter 2001
Equation for life
Join in the search for E.T.s
Constellation Maps and Finding Your Star
Christmas Stars
Name a Star For a Unique Christmas Gift
Finding Your Christmas Star
Commercial Space Flight
What Happens After You Buy a Star?
The best of both worlds?
The Father of Cosmology
Edgar Allan Poe?
Constantly Debated
Bubbles of Nothing
Deep Space
Stellar Nurseries
All the colors of the rainbow
A big job for the Supernova
Name a star
As good as the Hubble?
Not just for kids
Space Camp
After-school science
Got time?
Time after time?
Doing research
Paving a way without tradition
Mixing art with science
Age does Matter
Don't believe everything part 1
More than 2001
Hardin Optical Telescope Tips
Hardin Telescope For Hobbyists
Hardin Telescopes For Professionals
Purchasing Hardin Telescopes
Hardin Optics
Average Price Range For Hardin Telescopes
Hardin's Notable Telescopes
Virtual Orbit
Image Stabilized Binoculars
Starting out
Interstellar Travel
Wormholes, shormholes
Sailing along
No need to streamline
Don't let history repeat
International Space Station
There are others
Space is not your mother!
The Sky is Falling?
Jim´s Mobile Telescopes
RB-66 Reverse Binoculars
Konus Telescope Tips
Konus Telescopes
Konus Telescopes for Hobbyists
Konus Telescopes for Professionals
Purchasing Konus Telescopes
Other Kinds of Konus Optics
Konus Telescopes Price Range
Types of Konus Telescopes
Meade Telescope Tips
About Meade Telescopes

Meade Telescopes
Meade Telescopes Precision Optics
Choosing a Meade Telescope
Laika the Lucky
One School's Attempt
Walk of Fame
Open viewing
The History of the Future
Name A Star
Name a Star for Father's Day
What Makes Naming a Star a Special Gift?
Star Names Throughout History
What Do I Need to Name a Star?
Who Names Stars?
Stars For An Anniversary
Novice Telescope Tips
Novice Telescopes
Different Kinds of Telescopes
Features To Look For in A Telescope
GPS Systems in Telescopes
Taking Pictures With Your Telescope
How Much To Spend On Your First Telescope
Telescope Mounts For Beginners
Telescope Magnification
Carl Sagan's Legacy
Our Solar System
Defending against meteor strikes
Understaning Solar Eclipses
Volcanoes Form Landmasses
Aliens on Other Planets
Greenhouse Effect
Weight on Other Planets
Hotels on the Moon
Make your own Solar System
See the Planets
Planets at Dinner Time
Meteorites Explained
Viewing Mars
Water water everywhere
Singing planets
Kid's puzzle webpage
Traveling through time
Hot, hotter, hottest
Space Tourism
Fly me to the moon (and back)!
Have you won the lottery?
X Prize
A different kind of Lottery
Star Facts
Binary Stars
How to Use a Constellation Map to Find the Star on Your Star Certificate
Things to Remember When You Buy Your Own Star
Star Gazing Basics
Star Gazing and Night Vision
Star Gazing and Telescope Alternatives
Budget Stargazing
Finding the Best Stargazing Spots
Stars As Corporate Gifts
Name a Star as a Promotion Gift
Giving a Star as a Corporate Gift
Purchasing Stars in Bulk
Name a Star as a Fun Company Gift to Clients and Colleagues
Stars As Personal Gifts
Stars For An Anniversary
Not all Star Names are Equal
Naming a Star for Newborns
A Thoughtful Extra
Stars as Personalized Teacher Gifts
Swift Telescope Tips
Swift Telescopes For Hobbyists.
Swift Telescopes For Professionals
Swift Optics
Purchasing Swift Telescopes
Swift Telescope Pricing
Swift's Featured Telescope
Takahashi Telescope Tips
Takahashi Telescopes
Takahashi Telescopes For Hobbyists
Takahashi Telescopes For Professionals
Takahashi Optics
Purchasing Takahashi Telescopes
Pricing For Takahashi Telescopes
Premier Takahashi Telescopes
Tasco Telescope Tips
Tasco Telescopes
Tasco Telescopes For Hobbyists
Tasco Optics
Tasco Telescopes For New Buyers
Tasco Telescope Pricing
Where To Buy Tasco Telescopes
Tasco's Top of The Line Model
Telescope Software Tips
Starry Night Software
Starry Night Software and Your Telescope
Starry Night Software and Astronomy
Starry Night Software and Using Telescopes Accurrately
Purchasing Starry Night Software
Best Uses For Starry Night Software
Starry Night Products
Telescope Tips
Refractor Telescopes vs. Reflector Telescopes
Pros and Cons of Reflector Telescopes
Pros and Cons of Refractor Telescopes
Pros and Cons of GOTO GPS Mounts
Pros and Cons of Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes
Pros and Cons of Dobsonian Telescopes
TeleVue Telescope Tips
TeleVue Telescopes
Tele Vue Telescopes For Hobbyists
TeleVue Optics
TeleVue Prices
Where To Buy TeleVueTelescopes
Tele Vue Telescopes For Beginners
The Best of TeleVue telescopes
General vs. Special Relativity
New Matter at Low Temperature
And here are the stars, Galileo!
Nobody's Perfect...?
The New Master
Tips About Bushnell Telescopes
Bushnell Telescopes For Hobbyists
Bushnell Telescopes For Professionals
Bushnell Optics
Bushnell Hunting Optics
Price Ranges For Bushnell Telescopes
Where To Purchase Bushnell Telescopes
Features of Bushnell Telescopes
Tips About Celestron Telescopes
Celestron Telescopes For Hobbyists
Features of Celestron Telescopes
Celestron Telescopes For Professionals
Purchasing Celestron Telescopes
Celestrong Optics
Price Ranges For Celestron Telescopes
Tips About Coronado Telescopes
Coronado Telescopes
Coronado Telescopes For Hobbyists
Coronado Telescopes For Professionals
Coronado Optics
Purchasing Coronado Telescopes
The Price Range For Coronado Telescopes
Coronado's Best Known Features
Tips About GPS Telescopes
GPS and Telescopes
GPS Telescope Mounts
GPS Telescope Manufacturers
Primary Uses of Telescope GPS
GPS: How It Works
Prices of GPS Telescopes
Features of GPS Telescopes
Valentine's Day Stars
Valentine's Day Star Viewing for Kids
Valentine's Star Gift Presentation
Ways to Enjoy your Valentine's Day Star
Stars Make Statements
Vixen Telescope Tips
About Vixen Telescopes
Vixen Telescopes For Hobbyists
Vixen Optics
Vixen Prices
Where To Buy Vixen Telescopes
Vixen Telescopes For Beginners
The Best of Vixen telescopes
Wild and Weird Science
A White Hole
A shadow of doubt
Tricky travel
A fourth state of matter?
Space-Astronomy Newsletter Archive
As good as the Hubble?
RB-66 Reverse Binoculars
Purchasing Celestron Telescopes
Coronado Telescopes
GPS Telescope Manufacturers
GPS and Telescopes
Purchasing Hardin Telescopes
Hardin Telescope For Hobbyists
Other Kinds of Konus Optics
Starry Night Software and Using Telescopes Accurrately
Purchasing Swift Telescopes
Takahashi Telescopes For Hobbyists
Pricing For Takahashi Telescopes
Tasco Telescopes
Vixen Prices
Tele Vue Telescopes For Beginners
Tele Vue Telescopes For Hobbyists
Telescope Mounts For Beginners
Starry Night Software and Your Telescope
Starry Night Products
Price Ranges For Bushnell Telescopes
Where To Purchase Bushnell Telescopes
Bushnell Optics
Features of Celestron Telescopes
Price Ranges For Celestron Telescopes
Celestrong Optics
Coronado Telescopes For Hobbyists
Coronado's Best Known Features
Purchasing Konus Telescopes
Choosing a Meade Telescope
Meade Telescopes Precision Optics
Meade Telescopes
Swift Telescope Pricing
Where To Buy Tasco Telescopes
Where To Buy Vixen Telescopes
TeleVue Telescopes
How Much To Spend On Your First Telescope
Meteorites Explained
Planets at Dinner Time
See the Planets
Make your own Solar System
Hotels on the Moon
Weight on Other Planets
Greenhouse Effect
Aliens on Other Planets
Volcanoes Form Landmasses
Understaning Solar Eclipses
Celestron Telescopes For Professionals
Celestron Telescopes For Hobbyists
Features of Bushnell Telescopes
Bushnell Hunting Optics
Bushnell Telescopes For Professionals
Bushnell Telescopes For Hobbyists
The Best of Vixen telescopes
Vixen Telescopes For Beginners
Vixen Optics
Vixen Telescopes For Hobbyists
About Vixen Telescopes
The Best of TeleVue telescopes
Where To Buy TeleVueTelescopes
TeleVue Prices
TeleVue Optics
Pros and Cons of Dobsonian Telescopes
Pros and Cons of Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes
Pros and Cons of GOTO GPS Mounts
Pros and Cons of Refractor Telescopes
Pros and Cons of Reflector Telescopes
Refractor Telescopes vs. Reflector Telescopes
Tasco's Top of The Line Model
Tasco Telescope Pricing
Tasco Telescopes For New Buyers
Tasco Optics
Tasco Telescopes For Hobbyists
Premier Takahashi Telescopes
Purchasing Takahashi Telescopes
Takahashi Optics
Takahashi Telescopes For Professionals
Takahashi Telescopes
Swift's Featured Telescope
Swift Optics
Swift Telescopes For Professionals
Swift Telescopes For Hobbyists.
Best Uses For Starry Night Software
Purchasing Starry Night Software
Starry Night Software and Astronomy
Starry Night Software
Telescope Magnification
Taking Pictures With Your Telescope
GPS Systems in Telescopes
Features To Look For in A Telescope
Different Kinds of Telescopes
Novice Telescopes
About Meade Telescopes
Types of Konus Telescopes
Konus Telescopes Price Range
Konus Telescopes for Professionals
Konus Telescopes for Hobbyists
Konus Telescopes
Hardin's Notable Telescopes
Average Price Range For Hardin Telescopes
Hardin Optics
Hardin Telescopes For Professionals
Features of GPS Telescopes
Prices of GPS Telescopes
GPS: How It Works
Primary Uses of Telescope GPS
GPS Telescope Mounts
The Price Range For Coronado Telescopes
Purchasing Coronado Telescopes
Coronado Optics
Coronado Telescopes For Professionals
Bubbles of Nothing
Carl Sagan´s Legacy
General vs. Special Relativity
Traveling through time
New Matter at Low Temperature
International Space Station
One School´s Attempt
Water water everywhere
X Prize
Not just for kids
Space Camp
More than 2001
Wormholes, shormholes
The Father of Cosmology
Stellar Nurseries
All the colors of the rainbow
Walk of Fame
Singing planets
Hot, hotter, hottest
No need to streamline
Mixing art with science
And here are the stars, Galileo!
The New Master
Space is not your mother!
The Sky is Falling?
A fourth state of matter?
Our solar system´s first cousin?
A big job for the Supernova
The best of both worlds?
Sailing along
Life from Mars
Starting out
Time after time?
Doing research
After-school science
Got time?
Age does Matter
Astrobiology lives!
Nobody´s Perfect...?
The History of the Future
Viewing Mars
Paving a way without tradition
As good as the Hubble?
RB-66 Reverse Binoculars
Purchasing Celestron Telescopes
Coronado Telescopes
GPS Telescope Manufacturers
GPS and Telescopes
Purchasing Hardin Telescopes
Hardin Telescope For Hobbyists
Other Kinds of Konus Optics
Starry Night Software and Using Telescopes Accurrately
Takahashi Telescopes For Hobbyists
Pricing For Takahashi Telescopes
Tasco Telescopes
Vixen Prices
Tele Vue Telescopes For Beginners
Tele Vue Telescopes For Hobbyists
Telescope Mounts For Beginners
Starry Night Software and Your Telescope
Starry Night Products
Price Ranges For Bushnell Telescopes
Where To Purchase Bushnell Telescopes
Bushnell Optics
Features of Celestron Telescopes
Price Ranges For Celestron Telescopes
Celestrong Optics
Coronado Telescopes For Hobbyists
Coronado's Best Known Features
Purchasing Konus Telescopes
Choosing a Meade Telescope
Meade Telescopes Precision Optics
Meade Telescopes
Swift Telescope Pricing
Where To Buy Tasco Telescopes
Where To Buy Vixen Telescopes
TeleVue Telescopes
How Much To Spend On Your First Telescope
Mars--Making a spectacle of itself
Astrophotography--Pictures of Eternity
Ah, to study life in space!
Reading in a Wormhole
Space-Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions
I´ve only heard of the Big Bang theory. Are there others?
What do the colors of a nebula mean?
Is there anthing in space besides natural elements?
What does it take to make life?
Is there life on Mars?
I´ve heard people talk about a White Hole. What is it?
What has happened to all the ships that have been sent to space?
Can I go into space?
What is an astrolabe and how do I make one?
Is there a cosmological theory that can please most major religions?
What am I supposed to do after I get my doctoral degree?
I´m an astronomy major and want to do some research. Who do I call?
Who was the first person to argue against a static universe?
How do I get involved in the Space Race?
Is Earth the only planet with water?
Wouldn´t a telescope in space take better pictures than ones on Earth?
I´m an adult. Does NASA have any space programs for me?
What´s the difference between General and Special Relativity?
Isn´t Earth in a precarious position to be struck by objects in space?
Will I ever be able to go into space? I´m not a millionaire.
Has anybody come up with a vacation to the moon?
Are there any fun astronomy sites out there for kids?
Can the study of deep space objects tell if the universe is finite?
Have scientists found a way to travel space without any fuel?
How can I get my kids interested in science outside of school?
What was the first animal in space?
Has anybody ever gotten hit by space debris?
How many states of matter are there?
I´ve heard so much about the Hubble Telescope. Who is "Hubble"?
Did Einstein have any theories other than relativity and E=mc squared?
I´d like to be one of the first to Mars. How do I do that?
Is there anyone out there trying to promote space tourism?
I love looking at pictures of nebulae. What goes on in there?
I´ve heard about NASA having a space camp for kids. What is it?
Does the Earth make any noise?
Do observatories allow the public to look through their telescopes?
How do I help stop light pollution?
Can I discover a comet?
Can we take a wormhole to reach another galaxy to settle the stars?
Why do spaceships have such weird shapes?
How long will it take me to complete a graduate degree in astronomy?
I´ve read some weird stuff in this new book I´m reading. Is it true?
Can I take pictures of galaxies and other deep space objects?
I want to know what´s going on with NASA. Where can I go?
I like to draw space pictures. Is there a place I can send my work?
Didn´t Galileo Galilei invent the telescope?
Is there a way to get around the speed of light?
Who is Stephen Hawking?
Which planet is the hottest?
Does the space industry have some sort of "Hall of Fame?"
Who wrote the book for the movie 2001: A space odyssey?
I want to learn the constellations. Where do I begin?
I want to fly! Are there any flight simulators on-line?
Can I travel through time with Astronomy?
Can anything go faster than light?
How do I know what kind of astronomy book to buy?
Can we colonize space without destroying its beauty?
Why is everyone competing to be the first to build a space station?
I´ve heard about people naming stars. What´s the deal?
I want to observe the planet Mars. What do I do?
Are there any new cosmology theories being researched?
Did Einstein ever regret any of his theories?
I´m a college student interested in Astrobiology. Where can I go?
What colleges offer a major in Astrobiology?
What if I wanted to study Astrobiology in Graduate school?
Has anybody besides governments ever sent a message into space?
I´m still in secondary school, but I want to learn about astrobiology.
Are there any new theories regarding the beginnings of life on Earth?
I heard some people say that life started on a meteor. Is that right?
Are there any solar systems out there like ours?
I want to have a comet named after me. How do I find one?
Can I get involved in the search for Exterrestrial Life?
What is the chance of their being life out there?
What else does SETI do besides listen for alien signals?
I´ve heard that there is a space museum in New York city? Where is it?
I can´t find anywhere to study astrobiology. What can I do?
Is there a way for me to study astronomy nontraditionally?
Are image stabilized binoculars useful for stargazing?
What are Jim´s Mobile Telescopes?
Does Bushnell make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Bushnell make telescopes for professionals?
What kinds of optics does Bushnell produce?
Does Bushnell make optics for hunting?
What's the average price range for a Bushnell telescope?
Where can I purchase Bushnell telescopes?
What are some of the features of Bushnell telescopes?
Does Celestron make telescopes for hobbyists?
What are some of the features of Celestron telescopes?
Does Celestron make professional telescopes?
Where can I purchase Celestron telescopes?
Does Celestron produce other kinds of optics?
What is the average price range for a Celestron telescope?
What are some features of a coronado telescope?
Does Coronado make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Coronado make telescopes for professionals?
Does Coronado produce other kinds of optics?
Where can I purchase Coronado telescopes?
What is the average price range for Coronado telescopes?
What is Coronado's specialty?
What is a GPS Telescope?
What kind of mounts are available for GPS Telescopes?
Who are the major GPS Telescope manufaturers?
What are the primary uses of a GPS Telescope?
How does GPS work?
What can I expect to pay for a GPS telescope?
What features should I look for when buying a GPS Telescope?
Does Hardin make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Hardin produce professional telescopes?
Where can I purchase Hardin telescopes?
Does Hardin produce other kinds of optics?
What is the average price range for Hardin telescopes?
What is the most notable telescope model that Hardin offers?
Who are Konus Telescopes?
Does Konus produce telescopes for Hobbyists?
Does Konus Produce professional grade telescopes?
Where can I purchase Konus telescopes?
Does Konus produce other kinds of optics?
What is the average price range for Konus telescopes?
What types of telescopes does Konus offer?
Who are Meade Telescopes?
Does Meade produce telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Meade produce telescopes for professionals?
Does Meade produce other kinds of optics?
What should I look for in a Meade telescope?
What is a good telescope for a beginner?
What are the different kinds of telescopes?
What features should I look for in my first telescope?
Do I need a GPS system for my telescope?
Can I take pictures with my telescope?
How much should I spend on my first telescope?
What kind of mount should I look for on my first telescope?
What kind of magnification do I need for my telescope?
What does Starry Night Software do?
Can Starry Night software work with my telescope?
Can Starry Night Software Teach Me About Astronomy?
Can Starry Night software help me to use my telescope more accurrately?
Where can I purchase Starry Night software?
How can I best use Starry Night Software?
What kinds of products does Starry Night offer?
Does Swift make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Swift make professional telescopes?
Does Swift make other kinds of optics?
Where can I purchase Swif t telescopes?
What is the average price range of Swift telescopes?
What is the featured model that Swift makes?
Who Are Takahashi Telescopes?
Does Takahashi make telescopes for Hobbyists?
Does Takahashi make telescopes for professionals?
Does Takahashi make other kinds of optics?
Where can I purchase Takahashi telescopes?
What is the average price for a Takahashi telescope?
What is Takahashi's feature model of telescope?
What are Tasco Telescopes?
Does Tasco make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Tasco make other kinds of optics?
Would Tasco be a good brand for my first telescope?
What is the price range of Tasco telescopes?
Where can I buy Tasco telescopes?
What is the finest model of Tasco telescopes?
What's the technical difference between a refractor and a reflector?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a reflector telescope?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a refractor telescope?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a GOTO GPS mount?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Schmidt Cassegrain telescope?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Dobsonian telescope?
What are TeleVue Telescopes?
Does Tele Vue make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Tele Vue offer other kinds of optics?
What is the average price range for TeleVue Telescopes?
Where can I buy televue telescopes?
Are televue telescopes good for beginners?
What is the nicest model of telescope that TeleVue offers?
What are Vixen telescopes?
Does Vixen make telescopes for hobbyists?
Does Vixen offer other kinds of optics?
What is the average price range for Vixen Telescopes?
Where can I buy Vixen telescopes?
Are Vixen telescopes good for beginners?
What is the nicest model of telescope that Vixen offers?

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